


Vampspotting is not a new film. It is no strange hobby (it might be for some tho). It is a phenomenon to which I grant this name. Many of us have experienced it before, no matter whether they are swan or vamp.

Swans do it. Sometimes they simply single you out, come up to you and "I know what you are". Bam, right in your face. Vamps do it. Sometimes you walk around and suddenly you see someone and you simply know it.

I was spottet several times. My first regular donor spotted me. I broke out in tears when he confronted me. I was only months "old" so to say. A religious fanatic did it. No pleasure. My sister did it. Grabbed me during a party and talked me into the topic out of the blue. I did it. I saw some of us, found out later I was right.

I have no real explanation why this happens. Why can swans single us out, why can vamps, is it the same phenomenon? I sometimes believe (I don't think I am alone here) that we, the vamps that is, have a certain "radiation", "aura" or "signature" that attracts the attention of certain people. And repells others. Those who feel attracted are swans and other vamps. Those who are repelled are... well, those who see us and react aggressive  for no apparent reason. Maybe it helps us to find out whom to trust. Where to find nourishment. I am not sure.

Sure I am that it is real and that it works. I have so many friends reporting the same phenomenon independently. People who don't even look goth or dark or vamp-ish report being vampspotted. Accident or phenomenon, it is there. And sometimes it scares the shit out of me. Sometime I think it is simply amusing. Like a game one can play when strolling around in the right areas. Makes me wonder if it could ever be proven. Pheromones, Kirilian photography, no matter how. It just makes me curious.