

Got stress er somethin'?

Hooray, I am perfectly healthy. Hormons: check. Thyroid glands: check. I have no condition. Once again. This is so tiring. Last night, I slept 14 hours. For no apparent reason. Once again. But I am perfectly healthy. How do I know that?

I know it when the docs ask me questions like "Got stress at the moment? Any psychological pressure? We could advise you to see a neurologist..."

This always happens when they find nothing. I have been through this all before, appr. 10 years ago. I decided to cut this crap for the moment, since I have a training to complete and only 15 days of lectures netto. I can't affort a catscan marathon just right now. May onwards, maybe. But not now. Not again. Not with the perspective of again finding nothing.