

Who is it now, this Sasha?

Okay, now we got a name, Sasha that is. Most people know me by that name since 1997. The name I go by in the German VC is Valesca. And I tend not to change names too often, so if you find somebody going by that name, it would most likely be me.

I am currently living in Belgium, normally I am living in Germany, as you could guess from that. Back when I started off in the VC, there were no German online ressources, and other vamps were scarce and hard to find. I started my own page back then and roamed pages like the OOD (closed), The Vampirism Research Institute (closed), the Vampire White Pages (closed) and the Hall of Memories (closed, do I sense a pattern?) Around the same time, other pages started up. One of them, where I have relaunched my old page and new material after years of online inactivity.

There is little to say about me. Ok, I guess there could be more, but without good question, I am not really good telling stories about my life. I started off as a Sang in 1994, due to an incident in Berlin. How to classify this incident, this has been subject to intense discussions in the past. I am not exactely sure sometimes how to classify it myself. Some people would call it embrace (which sounds kinda game-ish). Others would call it an externally triggered and fairly violent awakening. Others might label it as sheer coincidence. Probably the truth lies in between and we might never know. Fact is: within only few months I turned out to be a Sang. And I was pretty much out on my own for the first years. Sadly, the person responsible turned out to be of no help at all.

The VC has become a home for me as soon as I could get a hand on my first computer. And it has been a home for me ever since. Due to my inactivity, I missed out on the development of the German VC wich started around the time when I went incommunicado. Since a 2009, I am slowly catching up on everything. And I am still amazed at times how much has changed and developed. It makes me happy. Yet, it makes me feel old. Good I don't look as old as I sometimes feel. ;-)

One of the things I am known for is a love of cats. Yet no old cat lady I am working hard on becoming one eventually. The other one is the color purple. Just don't ask, I got stuck with it.

Over here, I have worked on establishing a local network, part of which is what I call my Family, part of it being losely connected folks. If I have learned anything over the last years, then it is that nothing in this world replaces a real-life social network supporting you when things go crazy, beasty, bloody, whatever.

So, if there is anything I forgot (like half of my life...), I might fix that sometime later. Meanwhile, be sure to leave a kitteh in my guestbook ;-)