

An update on the diet thingie

Okay, two weeks now since I started this experiment. Where do I stand now?

First of all, the "better" feeling has not vanished. Rather, it has given me insights about a few things I do not get along with very well. Among those:

1. Sugars. Those days I tried to eat a larger amount of carb-based stuff (which in these cases were sugary things rather than pasta, potatoes or grains) I felt really eesh. My stomach did not really like me trying this.

2. Milk. Ouchie. Honestly, I love milk. And my body doesn't. Or rather, not anymore. Some people say it comes with age. Maybe I did not bear it very well all along. Pure milk makes me sick in no time. I haven't tried cheese, yoghurt or anything yet again. Will be an experiment for the second half of the period.

3. Combination of sugars and milk (hot chocolate, anyone?) No way. This really sucks.

Problem is: I am somewhat handicapped doing sports. At least cardio-training. Carbs deliver energy, which I don't get in this form anymore. Looks like my body needs to understand that proteins are available now, more than ever. Still, it's not the same kind of energy (I mean, there must be a reason for feeling so strangely different, right?)

Second, I eat a lot of proteins from natural sources now, and I lose weight doing that. Nearly 10 pounds in those slightly-more-than-2-weeks now. My weight is stable right now, but I guess this is due to the sugary experiments.

Funny sied-effects I cannot quite explain right now:

- my lethargy decreased
- periods of strong headaches started with the diet, which however seem to be over for the moment
- significantly decreased hunger (in the human sense of the word)
- more sleep for me
- slowly but constantly increasing vigilance

As I said, I have no idea how this is interconnected. It just happens. However, this puts me in a conflict. Originally, this diet plan was created for people who want to start their revamped diet with an extreme low carb phase, and then slowly add things from their former menus again to balance this lack of carbs with "good" (meaning starch-less or low starch) carb sources. I have no dea whether this will work for me. With a good human sense, what I am doing right now should not be able to work long-term for me. So, how to continue from here?

I guess I'll continue with the "add this product, see how I react, add the next, see again" type of variations. Until then, loads of jerky, poultry, veggies and tea.

BTW, the "no coffee, no alc" part honestly sucks. Been in boot camp 9 years ago. I could really do without that.