

Short update

By now, I have arrived in my new home. Posted to a  different country, which I instigated myself. I will spend the next 2 or 3 years here. The period during which I was moving was a bit stressing, and I am still not finished with everything, but I'll talk about this when I have a steady internet connection. At the moment, it's a bit on and off.

Weight issues: great development. I managed to implement a steady low carb diet here. Lost 9 pounds since my last posting. This was expectable. What is more funny is that I experimented with sugars and milk.

Fat free with cereals works okay. My favorite cookies (ate 4 of them, choc covered Oreos) made me feel sick. Felt like having eaten something wrong. Not in the sense of bad food, rather like sugar making me feel wrong. Dizzy, overfed and simply wrong.

Last but not least, cappuchino with full cream milk. It gave me the same bad feeling like after drinking too much milk.

I am sticking to vegetables, sea fruit and red meats for the moment. Veggies include tomatos, various lettuces, onions, garlic, cucumber, chilis and other fibre-rich, low-sugar, low-protein vegs. It works fine. I'll check a few other factors later.


Short diet summary

Ok, noticed I hadn't given any statement of summary on my diet experiment. Here we go.

I had accomplished to lose 15 pounds on the no carb diet. I kept that weight for quite a while, on a low carb base. A few months ago, just for the sake of experimenting, I tried a high carb week inbetween (mainly pasta and rice) for a variation. At first, not much happened, but with a little delay, I gained 4 pounds. My average weight gain delay seems to be something around 3 days.
Eventuelly I went back to a normal diet, simply for the lack of time (my no carb program involved cooking 3 times a day). I was back to the weight I started with within 6 months.
As some sort of emergency measure, I started to no carb again yesterday. 5 meals a day, generally the samw program, but no cooking on receipts, just adhering to the same or similar nutrition facts.
What can I say? 4 pounds less in 2 days.
I am really convinced now that for some reason, my body does not digest carbs very well. They result in instant weight gain. It also reminds me of the time when I started off as a sang, when I could hardly eat anything without gwtting stomache troubles. Protein rich food was always possible still, so I ran on egga, meat, milk (which I could digest much better than nowadays) and veggies as a supplement.
No carb basically is that. Protein rich food, veggies and nothing else.
For the moment I am happy enough to lose weight again. However, I am not sure about ewhat this means for the long term perspective on food.


SSDD - and - Running into problems vamps shouldn't have in real life

Yes, I have been out for a while, as usual. I keep falling out of the communities for longer periods ever and ever again. And I don't seem to blog a lot. It seems I have missed a few things. But then, nothing too serious or important.

The German community has reshaped a bit, the main community page has changed its location due to... well... stuff. Same inside, different outside.
I have missed a huge national convention. A thing that happens once in slightly less than a decade. I was told that I was missed there. Okay... well... yes. I simply lost it. I'll take the next chance. Whenever this is.

I am moving to a new country. It's just for the job and only for a few years. An abroad thingie, once more. More money, different location, same uniform. I have added another two years to do this. I originally planned to leave this little club in camouflage in slightly more than a year from now... oopsie-daisy. Things change.

The communities have the same turmoils again and again that I have seen over the last what... 14 years online now? And it just never stops being about sangs and psis. This os one of the few times where I must honestly admit being happy that the German scene is not so far ahead of the development and has smaller and "younger" problems. I'd rather debate the self-definition over and over and over again than being back to the old flame-war days (or rather, nights).

Anyway, back to the topic. The reason why I am writing this is a totally different one.

I am starting to become slightly paranoid. A few months, I was out to buy some ciggies. The shop owner caught me honestly surprised with the one question I hadn't expected in years. Age. "May I see your ID, please?" Whew, gimme a break, when did I hear this the last time... oh, right. Only a year ago, trying to get some beer in the UK. Oh, bugger.

Fact is, the good lady was close to a fullscale heart attack wen I showed my ID. She apologized over and over again (to be honest, it was annoying since I couldn't stop her from apologizing... she was really, honestly distressed. Started babbling about good genes in my family, I nodded, smiled, left.)

Okay. Now imagine this scene happened at a federal office. I had to apply for a new passport and a new driving licence only 4 weeks ago (ID documents are being turned into biometrical, digital, megafunctional bs-thingies over here now, I don't entirely like this development but hell, can't change the system). It all worked out fine. But I had a small pouch filled with fotos of me from the last couple of years. And then the documents themselves... My driving licence with a photo where I was 19 years old (mind you, different ages for driving licenses here). The ID with the image from the time I was 28. A federal ID with a picture which is fairly new. The only differences are... well.

I had shorter hair when I was 19. Then there is this semi-legally accepted image in b/w with long hair on my ID. I have my hair tied up neatly in a knot on my Army ID. With the new applications, I had to hand in totally new pictures. Biometrics and stuff. I am just really happy noone compared the biometric image, only a week old, with the other pictures. Because they all look friggin' same. Apart from one fact: I have gained a little weight.

I am really getting slightly afraid of this scenario. I mean honestly, isn't this a problem fictional vamps should have? I am starting to lie to new acquaintances about my age, but the other way around that other giels would do it. Rather, I do not tell them my age at all. Because strange things happen when I tell them (tried once). I could really do without this. Which does not mean I want to look older, honestly, I like the way I look and the way people below my age get along with me simply because they are not intimidated. But sometimes I wonder how long it will take before I run into a problem real life V's really shouldn't have.