


Hooray. Spring is finally here, so is real sunshine. Tomorrow I'll be on a festival with a good friend. Makes me remember I keep forgetting things I should better remember.

Sun is nasty. I am virtually transparent. People recognize me usually when somebody describes them a "Remember this awfully pale..." I once sent a friend a picture from a party, where someone flash-shot me in a close-up. His reaction was "This looks bad. Get some tan. I mean it." How would I tell him now how badly I cannot?

It is not like I start burning when I get exposed. But it hurts. It shows after few minutes. Freckles in weird shapes and amounts first. (I did not have a Celtic skin when I was young, now I have it. I am not even a redhead. Go, figure.) Then the burns. I even got them by indirect exposure through windows. That should not happen, I suppose. Luckily, I was with someone with similar probs that day when it happened. So I did not stick out as weird. This was last year in summer. Now this time is approaching again.

And I must say I do not quite like sunblockers. I keep forgetting them. Because they are smelling like tourist roasing centres to me.

Makes me wonder about a few things but I noticed that some people do not recognize hints when they bark in their faces. I guess some things are too obvious to be true. Lucky me that I don't sparkle, eh?