This night was very interesting. I learned something about my own past and offspring. By sheer accident. In our German chat, there was a somewhat elderly person with a long standing history of vampirism in Germany. We did not get along very well, because he loathes the US scene, for reasons he would not reveal. I was then told that supposedly, this man led a life that was supposedly "destroyed" by the surfacing of the US scene. I had to dig into it more deeply to understand this, and what I found is a really strange story. But back to the beginning.
Europe has an old scene, older than I originally imagined. First traces in the 80's in Good Old Britain. Offspins in Eastern and Middle Germany already in the late 80's and early 90's. I read a text that pinpointed Berlin as one of the cities where it started.
When I joined the VC in 1997, I was a sang already for 3 years. But I had not awakened by accident, out of the blue or during puberty. Someone had forced me into it. For years, this was a topic of heated debates. I fought against many people who dogmatically promoted that an externally triggered awakening, no matter how this is understood, is not possible. Politically, this reaction is understandable. The scene would otherwise be swamped with embrace requests. It is, anyway, I remember such requests all to well. But the political correctness of this statement does not change my life and my experiences.
Now comes the funny part. The event that triggered my "career" as a blooddrinker happened 1994 in Berlin. I always thought the man who well, did what he did was a solitary creature. The way he lived, the thoughts he promoted, this all appeared so weird to me that I believed, someone like him could not belong to any kind of community. But I also faintly remember we visited a shop in Berlin, and I remember the strange looks the owner gave me when he saw me in company of this person.
Details of this all aside, this man dropped me, left me alone, even mocked me. I had to find my own way. This, after all, is the reason why I joined the VC, created one of the first pages. Here, I found friends and support for many years. I was able to offer some of it, myself, after all. And now, many years later, I am part of the German scene which did not seemingly exist back when I started, or rather - what I now understand - was too secretive and inaccessible for me to find.
To make a long story short: This man in our chat who attacked me for no other reason than being part of the US-VC, whos lifestyle was supposedly destroyed by the US-VC, is part of a scene that might be the reason why I helped the US-VC emerging. Given, of course, that the man whom I met back in 1994 was possibly (not necessarily) part of it, too. But hey, early 90's, vampires, Berlin, wouldn't this be extremely funny if it was just a coincidence?
Now, isn't this paradox?