Looks like I finally could have a condition that can be determined: hypothyroidism. It is not sure yet whether I really have it or not, but I am in the middle of having it checked out. The symptoms at least all have slowly appeared over the last weeks. It runs in my family, females only, though. By now some of the symptoms have reached a nasty level.
For some strange reason, I would even be happy with that diagnosis. Knowing what is wrong is always better than this feeling of incertainty. I remember I went to the thyroid check 10 years ago but was sent home, nobody believed me, even though my values were bad enough to wonder. Just not bad enough to act, it seems. This would put an end to it, finally. Medication would probably work fine, a vamp acquaintance of mine has it too and she is very happy with the treatment.
Which again brings me back to the question of how things are sometimes intertwined.
Maybe, a few folks might possibly wonder "Maybe this was all about the thyroid? Maybe all the other probs go away as well?" Well, I dare a guess at the answer, saying "No, some things won't change". After all, these conditions don't match very well in their symptoms. I will just get rid of some problems maybe. Tiredness, throat aches, voice problems, weight problems which occured only recently, etc. Everything else will keep bugging me.
But having only half the trouble would be a good start, I think. I don't mind having two conditions. If it only means having half the trouble if one of them is treatable.