Sometimes life suxx. There's little more to say.
On a second note... why not.
Stupidity suxx. A friend of mine gave me the wrong information about which mobile net he is using. I got the number, could have researched it myself, but I trusted his intelligence (he is intelligent, rather). Now I pay the bill for it. 300 bucks extra mobile costs for a wrong information. Guess how I responded in my last email to him.
Education suxx. It drains the last bit of energy out of me. I am spending and wasting time while I could already be working on my upcoming homework. But this week I have to be present for things not really useful. Oh well.
Driving suxx. I have to be home this weekend, which means 600 miles of driving (return included). Just to be here on monday, receive my homework and go back home. Another 90-something extra bucks wasted for driving.
People suck as well. Everybody gets on my nerves. I am not talking people dear to me but people I cannot stand and which I don't need. Sheesh...
So please bear with me while I am being incommunicado. Things just literally suck at the moment and I need a break...